Backup all MySQL databases using the Site Backup & Restore tool
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

Backup all MySQL databases using the Site Backup & Restore tool

This article applies to Legacy accounts only. Site Backup Pro is not available to users on Rock accounts. For more information, please see Rock vs Legacy.

To backup all of your MySQL databases you can use the Site Backup and Restore tool, located in the Files category within your cPanel.

  1. Login to your HostMonster account.
  2. Click the Site Backup & Restore tool.
  3. Choose the date of the backup you wish to use.
  4. Choose if you will use "TAR (.tar)" or "ZIP (.zip) Archive."
  5. Click "Download"
The tool will then begin preparing your files. Once complete, you'll be given a dialog with a link to download your files.

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