Backup Restore from previous host to HostMonster
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

Backup Restore from previous host to HostMonster

The best way to restore a backup without using SSH is to use File Manager in the cPanel.

  1. Create a folder on your HostMonster account called temp1.
  2. Upload the tar.gz file from other hosting into the temp1 folder .
  3. Extract the contents of the file by clicking on the name of the file and click the Extract icon along the top bar of the File Manager. This will extract the backup into the temp1 folder.
  4. Move contents of the backup into the appropriate folder like the HTML files into the /public_html directory. Right click on the file/folder to select the Move option.
  5. If you move a folder you will need to make sure the permissions are set to 755.
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