Changing File Permissions
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

Changing File Permissions


This article will explain how to change file permissions.

Click on any of the following tasks to jump to that point in the guide.

Open File Manager

These steps will explain how to open the file manager in your account.

  1. On the cPanel, go to File Management section and click on the File Manger icon.
  2. You may get a directory selection popup. Check show hidden files and click go.

Change Permissions in the File Manager

These steps explain how to change permissions in the file manager.

  1. Click on the file you wish to change permissions for.
  2. Click the change permissions icon. at the top of the file manager.
  3. Choose the permissions you would like the file to have
    Note: See the default permissions section if you would like to know the standard or default permissions.
  4. Click Change Permissions

Default Permissions For Files and Folders

Default Permissions For A Folder (755)
Default Permissions For A File (644)
Knowledgebase Article 314,533 views bookmark tags: cgi permissions

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