Logging in and Using WordPress: Installing Plugins
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

Logging in and Using WordPress: Installing Plugins

Installing Plugins in WordPress

Need hosting for a new or existing WordPress site? Sign up at HostMonster.com.

These steps will help you install and select a WordPress plugin for your site.

  1. Inside the WordPress Dashboard, select the Add New link from the Plugins menu.

  2. You can search for a plugin based on name, category, or function.
  3. Click the Download link to the right of the plugin you'd like to download.
  4. Click the Install button for your desired plugin.
  5. Your plugin is now available. Click on the 'Activate' link to activate it.

Your WordPress blog has now incorporated the plugin you activated.

 Next: Create Your Own Message Board 
 Logging In & Posting 
 Preventing Spam 
 Installing Themes 
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